Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Reflection on the Primary (Democratic)

When The Scoundrels Won

Pacino in the movie The Devil’s Advocate tells his prodigy that the devil won when he convinced the people he didn’t exist.  Enter the moneyed class and scoundrels.  They won this election cycle by ensuring that their position is secured.  Clinton is the best example of how to don sheep clothing and get into the flock.  This family dynasty can be counted on to enrich themselves and play any game to get where they are going or want to go and it usually is to stand in front of mirror and fill their empty egos with pride.

John McCain must be drooling at the prospect of becoming Secretary of Defense.  What scoundrel from Wall Street has been promised the keys to the Treasury?  A good guess can be found in the thieves who paid Clinton to speak.  How many pardons will the new president grant that have to do with the shenanigans of Billy-Boy’s friends?  How is the tax department going to study the filings of the Clinton Foundation?  And how much of this dirt is going to roll out in the election?  One thing rich and powerful people like to do is gossip.  Not the gossip the masses get but the real inside stories.  Of course, Trump, the buffoon, will have no trouble spilling the beans.

What is sad, really sad is that again the nation is adrift in mediocrity tinged with a heavy dose of “pay for play.”  The world is going to shit and neither candidate cares.  The first and highest priority is to preserve and expand the legacy of their egos.  Fracking, is any candidate against it?  Wall Street reform?  Outrageous college debt?  Will global warming lose out to Exxon?  Will the minimum wage bill be run by the Waltons?  Can we extract ourselves from the actions of a bellicose Israeli Prime Minister?  How about GMO’s?

We stand on the brink of a world spinning out of control because too few have too much.  I look at the Clintons and compare them with Carters.  There is a world of difference in their approach to public service, a world of difference in their approach to humanity.  Carter serves the poor but not through a foundation where millions, if not billions, is funneled though some pseudo corporate entity.  By the way, didn’t they have to return items that were taken from the White House?

Platitudes coming from Clinton and her minions are attempts to draw on the energy of a campaign of ideas.   Bernie ran a good fight.  He energize the party.  He brought out the disenfranchised.  He is good for the party and the country.  What these statement fail to appreciate is that Sanders campaign was never about Bernie.  If they think they can now draw on his support with this insincere rhetoric, they don’t have a clue what the Sanders campaign was about or why it drew the attention it did.  

Bill Clinton moved this country to the right farther than anyone because he had the support of the Democrats.  His crime bill and welfare reform were creations drawn from the primer on a conservative agenda.  That is why he was able to work with a Republican majority.  Oh, and all those bullshit religious laws that single out gays and transgender folks, well look that up sometime.  And he had such a forward policy on gays in the military, “don’t ask, don’t tell.”  That worked, huh?

The Sanders campaign was all about ideas and beliefs that in this world things can get done.  That to accomplish great things, bold actions need to be undertaken.  It was never about the candidate.   It was about a candidate who dared to go beyond the constraints that has kept this country in a strangle hold.  When was the last time the great Bill Clinton was seen at a public golf course?  Every picture of this man shows him surrounded by influence peddlers and moguls, or laughing and joking with the Bushes.   That people who believe in Democratic principles think that this conservative family is going to deliver something different this go around are engaging in wishful thinking and they definitely have their collective heads in a place where the sun doesn’t shine.  By the way, this cycle is the perfect sting:  You think you have won while the scoundrels walk off with your money.

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