The Hypocrisy of Outrage
To see the Republicans stammer when asked if Trump’s comments were racist shows that even confronted with the reality of their bigoted presumptive nominee they are reluctant to call it what it is. Irony abounds. They won’t say it is because they relied on racism to win the house and the senate and every presidential election after 1968. The only difference is that they prefer to use code words and allusions rather than outright racial slurs. The only mistake Trump is making by their standards is that he is using actual words rather than the euphemisms they employ. How dare he pull down the screen and show people what these bigots really think?
There is an historical context to all this. Way back when the southern bloc left the Democratic party over the Voting Rights Act. For all those who forget or missed that lesson, the bill was the cornerstone of the Great Society. This program of President Johnson was a legislative attempt to do what should have been done during the Reconstruction (i.e. period after the Civil War). The Dixiecrats (they were never really democrats -- they were racists who held on to the antebellum views that men were not created equal) prided themselves on making sure Jim Crow Laws would negate the North win over the South. How ironic it was the Republicans during that period spoke to the rights of all citizens. The party of Lincoln held to the principles of equal rights.
Nixon was one who recognize the importance of a southern strategy. The South was rudderless having been ignored by the Democrats. So the modern Republican Party, a party of neoconservatives, shifted to the right or should say I dug a deeper hole that allowed the bigoted whites to drain into their hatred.
Next came Reagan and the California right composed mainly of deviate money men whose only concern was to acquire as much wealth as possible before they croaked. That Reagan was a man of minimal intelligence and strong emotions made him the ideal candidate to be manipulated. His skill at memorizing lines and affecting an “Aw Shucks” demeanor made him the ideal empty suit to be transformed into a statesman. That he didn’t know basic geography or remember a single important thing was easily channeled by keeping him away from any extemporaneous moments that might be recorded. His image could be sculpted and the B actor was good at playing a role. You see, the ideal face of the party could not be a strong person with a mind of his own but a “yes” man who could sell soap (literally).
Reagan built the military and the money grubbing industrialists couldn’t have been happier. There was so much arms being built, the country became the arms dealer for the world even making it a means to prop up dictators and suppress populations in South America, indeed the world. This is the Reagan legacy, a vast sell out to the military industrial complex, and a presidency guided by operatives, while the aging cowboy, who was losing his mind, nodded off into peaceful naps, while the world fell apart.
Then we have Bush I, with Lee Atwater, using Willie Horton, followed by Rove and the Idiot Son who brought racism and hate politics to an even greater depth of depravity. With the rich getting richer and allowing their blood money to go untaxed, the Republican party was in clutches of those who used the ignorant to maintain their power and plunder the society.
Over time the nation defaulted to democracy and love of neighbor and elected Democratic Presidents , but the Republicans unleashed the bigoted cadre of Elmer Gantries who used their pulpits to preach made up moral issues and corral their flocks into supporting the charlatans who mouthed, though often not believed, their muddled view of Christianity. Of course, all levels of government ruled by this monolith of hate and ignorance gerrymandered districts insuring only the most reprehensible individuals would be sent to Washington and create a pit where they could wrapped themselves in flags which was good because then they could stuff their pockets without being detected.
Trump is the natural progression of a party that is based on ignorance and hate and beholding to men who are to the one scoundrels. It is hard to find one of the so called leaders of industry who isn’t tainted with corruption and fraud. That they persist promoting policies that are dangerous to all living creatures and the world itself is an indication that it is only their greed that matters for they will be long gone before they experience the devastation of their actions.
The Republican party made a concerted effort to be a racist bastion of ignorance and hate. Their leaders are caught in a trap of their own making. The money men realize that this fool who rose up out of the trash heap they created is about to do something as bold as Nero, who fiddled while Rome burned. The events of this cycle need a caliber of a writer on par with Shakespeare to bring out the ironies of a party that created what they despise. Also, there might be some poignant scenes by a Moliere caliber humorist -- one who could show the absolute absurdity of all the Republican players trying to avoid and court the buffoon. Twain would capture it for sure. But in the final analysis all we need to do is look at this spectacle and know that “karma” is a bitch.
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