Thursday, January 21, 2016

A Naive Look at Economics

Wall Street or the Bullshit Economy

Let’s get this straight.  I am not an economist.  The closest I ever came to understanding this field was a reading of Veblen’s “Theory of the Leisure Class.”  From my observation, limited as it maybe, wall street is just another casino where scoundrels and thieves come to pursue gambles that make them obscene amounts of capital that allows them to pursue their personal fetishes.  It is a den of inequity.  Some modern works confirm this rather vulgar if not naive assessment.
It came to me how utterly useless this institution is when watching, briefly -- I can’t listen too long because my head would explode -- a financial news report that the market was going down and fears arising that the US economy and even the world economy would tumble.  Again, we await with bated breath while the brokers begin their frenzy.
The reason for this volatile situation.  Dropping oil prices, a slowdown in China and fear the Fed will raise interest rates.  For the average Joe like me this means absolutely nothing but for the first thing: dropping oil prices.  What?  The fact that I will be paying less at the pump will hurt the economy.  Why?  Because the oil scoundrels won't be making obscene sums.  I can understand the oil workers losing their jobs and all that but that condition can be remedy easily by having the “roughnecks” (I think that what they call oil workers) fix the crumbling infrastructure and roads of this country, maybe even laying tracks for a high speed rail system.  As for the oil companies and their shareholders, they can all go to hell.  They stolen enough.  
This is the modern world we live in -- a completely useless enterprise, Wall Street can through their own internal machinations dictate what the average joe’s life will be.  Interesting to a one, these wall street's moguls, don’t care about the average joe.  How else does one describe how they lied, cheated, stole, cajoled and generally raped the economy with their false instruments designed to do little but enrich their earnings.  Hell they even paid the auditors to sanction their lies.
This is why this election is so important because we have one person who is actually talking about the criminals and their actions.  Clinton is using some horseshit reference to 9/11 to justify her talking millions from bankers.  Really?  That is audacity that is beyond definition.  When a thug (that being a big banker) gives you money it is not because of some tug at the heart sadness over 9/11.  No, he wants protection for his scheme.
Another thing is to keep an eye out for in the insane world of bigness and oneness is abnormal growth in an enterprise.  It is a fact that anytime a corporation profits skyrocket into the economic stratosphere there is some type of fraud going on.  Case in point the beloved airline industry (or better described as the monopoly infused world of air travel).  The prices of the past decade rose precipitously because of rising oil prices.  That is how these thieving executives got to charge you for nearly everything dispensed on a plane.  How they got to charge for baggage and even put an added cost on the ticket for rising fuel prices.  Question is, have any these increase been done away now that oil has fallen?  Yeah right.  See once you open the door to a thief he won't leave till he takes everything or you arrest him.
There is a scam perpetrated by government and business that the stuff they concern themselves with are important.  For example, the GNP is a driving index in this economic game yet it only measures new goods which for the most part is shipped from distant shores and all of the crap comes wrapped up packaging -- much of it plastic -- to be carted away to landfills contributing to waste -- a big time waste.  This idea that only new counts is the magic wand of the capitalist that does nothing but pillage and cajole.  That capitalism is sacrosanct and needs to be preserved to insure all the benefits of freedom is unadulterated bullshit.  It is little more than a con game created by those who profit off of the labor of people and subject them to the tyranny of currency which makes them forever enslaved to the ruling class.  True freedom can only be achieved when no one profits more from labor than those who sweat produces it.  As for this period of ignorance when business was supposed to usher in the Golden Age, well we have seen the havoc wreck by this outdated belief on the environment and the world.  As for those who would argue that less government is the only way to true freedom, I suggest they order some water from Flint Michigan.

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