Monday, December 21, 2015

PC and the Satirist

Recently, I was told I was “all wet” for making a humorous comment about Clinton’s use of makeup during the last debate.  The charge was that I had no right to comment on her looks, which I didn’t do.  I was commenting on her make-up.  Another PC observant also chimed in about the manner of my comment.  Now the reference was that Hillary shouldn’t use a Kabuki makeup artist.  Let me quote the entire text:

Here is my take on the debate. O'Malley should use a fleet enema before the debate and lay off the meth. Hillary should try talking to the Dali Lama and try to understand humility, how to go about getting it and try and get a makeup artist other than someone who normally does Kabuki actors. Finally it wouldn't hurt Bernie presentation to take a Valium or two a couple of hours before the debate. And ABC has got to deliver on the time. Stop the bs tease just to sell stuff. I thought moderators did good.

The observation is obviously satirical.  It is a “wise ass” observation.  It is designed to both capture the event from my perspective and to give it a wry assessment.  There is an old rule in comedy, if you have to explain the joke, forget about it.  That two people took offense at the Kabuki reference shows that they just don’t get it.  My humor is not their cup of tea.  Fine.  What is galling though is this unabashed assertion that I was denigrating Hillary because of her makeup.   Really?  To quote TS Eliot, “No, that is not it at all.”

What I find amusing is how women (the two who objected) somehow equate commenting on makeup as being misogynistic.  Hmmm.  As I already posted and said in other words, how absolutely ridiculous it is for women to defend makeup.  The biggest scam in the department stores, the absolute worst example of exploitation is the cosmetic industry.  The take useless elements combine it with alcohol and other substances (many poisonous) inflict pain on helpless creatures, and sell it at ridiculous high prices to women, though men are coming along on this charade of beauty.  Really?  What a great marketing effort on the behalf of these merchants of vanity that their customers have been so ingrained with the delusion that their products are femininity in all its wonder.   

It is truly amazing to see this dynamic unfold.  To misinterpret a comical piece as chauvinistic and feel the need to defend makeup is disturbing. Fuck those cats and dogs who suffered to bring the best to you.  Women need this for their look.

The absurdity of these modern times is exemplified in the absolute crap that comes to us over the medium of television that has reduced everything to a carnival side show.  Presidential debates are just shows, “Step right up folks, let’s see the angry white man, the disturbing uncomfortable other white man, and the lady with the credentials, step right up and see them dance on the high wire of veracity, see them dodge and come up with inane positions, see how real they are, see and hear….”

If I look at this side show and comment, it is designed to bring out the absurdity of what is on display.  I wasn’t being misogynistic when I made a reference to Clinton’s makeup.  It was overdone!  It was like millions of women sitting in a department stores getting their faces done by experts, and when they are done, the products represent hundreds of dollars, so an asshole can buy a yacht and parade around the Paris fashion shows displaying disgusting amounts of wealth.   Too much is too much.  Excess is excess.  If it bothers you to hear people say it, then turn away.  

Let me say this women have been victimized by the cosmetic industry.  It is a fucking sham.  If they choose to be duped into thinking that beauty can be applied and that self confidence is looking into a mirror and seeing someone who expresses your inner self and that inner self is constructed out of base layers and shadows and tints ad nauseam well that is your choice.  It is my right, however, and to look and say that it is too much, especially when it is too much, as was the case of Hillary on that night.  

As Shakespeare once wrote, It is a [piece written] by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.  I bow to the bard for this feeble attempt to explain myself and those comments of my critics.

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