The only concern the establishment has in its constituents is what it can get. The old guiding principles that those in power live by is “what have you done for me lately.” There is a great divide between the rank and file and the powerful elite. That divide can be traversed only when you give all that you have to the cause. Like a voracious raptor, the establishment will suck every drop of blood and if it is to their advantage they will discard your remains without a scintilla of concern. Wasserman, deserving of scorn, is a case in point.
To see Bill sitting up there all smug knowing the cartel had taken its weak and limping candidate over the finish line is to witness an actual “Game of Thrones.” Like the Lannisters the Clinton move through the objective unconcern upon the effects they are having.
The Democratic Party is an entrenched establishment designed to further the ends of those who are still capable of doing things for them. Their lackeys and sycophants are in numbers too large to calculate. That they lack even a semblance of hope and change is evident in the hue and cry of those who have given their heart and soul to change yet are expected to sit quietly while the made for tv event unfolds.
Obama was to be the grand champion. Once in office he followed a trajectory that could only be described as lackluster. He did a capable job, but that Hope and Change was jettison while his super majority was eroded away and he was left to face the jeers of a Republican Congress hell bent on ensuring nothing but nothing would get done.
Now, there are pleas for Bernie supporters to get behind the candidate who was the rigged choice of the party. The general argument forming now she is the lesser of two evils. Funny Thing, if we choose the lesser of two evils, we are still left with evil.
To encourage people to care is a dangerous thing. Caring is just not some commodity that can be transferred on a whim. Certainly, if the caring feel as if they were betrayed, and evidence that later comes to light that they were, well, that is a stinging indictment of a system and is a cut too deep to heal in a day of supposed unity. Fuck Kumbaya!
“The Russians did it” is probably the best bullshit argument ever to bubble out of the cesspool of insider politics. Even if the Russians did leak the documents, they weren’t the ones writing the emails. Again, if the light is shown on evil doings by the Russians, the scandalous actions of a body to favor a candidate while the election is going is evil.
I can remember when the candidate was chosen at the convention. This made for TV world of hype and showmanship is pure horseshit. The days of the smoke filled room and the deals is something I wish would come back. Because this year long money driven cluster fuck is nothing short of some grand scheme by power elites to window dress a system that has literally degraded into a circus. And what about all the money that is changing hands? I contributed because I believe that change is needed desperately. I am tired of the Clintons, the Trumps and all the other power elites that have been running this country for a long time and have presided over the largest decline in roads and bridges, income inequality, decaying cities, etc. etc. Crooks on Wall Street are praised. Obama singled out Jamie Dimon as a great man, More horshit. So here we go again. A great surge of optimism is being tamped down. We are being told we need unity. Why? The Republicans don’t have it, do they? Hell that is a rolling disaster with a clown leading the parade of fools. Two parties are outdated. The Republicans had a coup. Unfortunately, the crazies had taken control thanks in large measure by the bullshit spewing out of the mouths of their elected officials and the news junkies who peddled their crap.
The Dems are now circling the wagons, but it is only the power elite, the mouth spewing spinsters who never answer a direct question but always babble on and on. I guess the theory goes if you repeat a lie often enough people will believe it. Funny thing is that power brokers just don’t get it. They all say the same thing. It is as hollow as the wind going through the mouth of an empty bottle.
Modern day politics is pure bullshit. Conventions are empty displays of carefully crafted words written by gnomes who try to convince us this horseshit is meaningful while actors (sad and sorry elected officials) mouthed the words displaying passion as vapid as their histories. They coin phrases because they know our attention spans equals that of an insect. We who believe in change are left with our hands out while the glib candidate press flesh in an attempt to fool us into choosing. I said it once and I will say it again. Choosing lesser of two evil still leaves us with evil.
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