I am a liberal, no, a socialist. Government exists to insure that its citizens have inalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Regardless of what you have been told Capitalism doesn’t adhere to this fundamental principle. Capitalism is about greed and exploitation. If it were such a sterling example of good government, there would have been no need for Child Labor Laws, Social Security, Medicare or any other program that protects individuals from greedy bastards who will lock a door regardless if it would kill women workers inside their factory. Any argument for less government offered by scoundrels on the dole of corporations is pure unadulterated bullshit.
That said, I cannot help but smile with some sick satisfaction that Trump is stomping his way through the Republican Primary. For a long time, the scoundrels who drape themselves in flags and Bibles engaged in code words to signal their bigotry and outright disdain for the common man. As for their ignorance, they were more than happy to shout it out to the masses who, like them, preferred to keep their head in the sand as to demonstrate a holy allegiance to some arcane thought that had long ago proven to be nonsense.
That another Bush would come forward to run for the office, and to have the audacity to roll out his mother and brother demonstrates an arrogance that is truly unfathomable. So Trump calls out his asinine and feeble attempt to garner favor. The only Bush with a modicum of credibility is the old man but his connection with Lee Atwater puts him in a moral and ethical pit worthy of disdain. That Trump would assail the Iraq War of W and Cheney is laudatory. For too long Republicans have covered this most base ineptitude with a smoke screen that attempts to put the trouble of the Middle East on Obama while the real culprits either hide or blatantly offer revisionist history. Oh, by the way, the same band of clowns and fool hardy neocons who were ankle deep in W’s incompetence are on Jeb’s team.
Rubio and Cruz are classic punks. They speak as if they know when every utterance is steep in the bull that the new right has gleaned from the empty heads in the far right media. To hear Rubio state Obama is basically not a true American is to listen to a fool, a first generation fool who can't even appreciate that benefit that accrued to him by immigration. As for Cruz, well in this instance, Trump hit the nail on the head, no one likes this pompous duplicitous ass. Not only he is a liar and a cheat, he is also a reprehensible pseudo intellectual who uses guile to demonstrate how viable he is as a candidate.
So there you have it, Trump, the main event, is goose stepping his way to the nomination calling out the cabal of moneyed interest and double talking fools. The effort to sell the collective Republican soul to the ignorant, the racist, the evangelical, is now coming full circle. It is indeed a circular firing squad, and all I can say is “fire!”
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