Trump: The Monster Who Came Home To Roost
It is ironic to see Fox News resort to outright name calling on someone of their making. For years, they have peddled bullshit using glib bloviators. The alternate reality they created permitted anyone from saying anything about nearly everything. They have taken populism to a new low, though when it comes to American Politics that was no mean accomplishment. Fact is, years of creating a false reality wherein every decent and effective attempt to bring reason to any political action or discussion was reduced to panels where to a one the participants were bigoted shills advancing positions that were quite frankly Un American. Of course, given the 1st Amendment the powers to be were shielded from any action. Thus stupid anti scientific positions were pronounced as “reasonable alternatives” to prevailing findings. Sitting behind the screen of this charade was the wizard himself, Roger Ailes, who climb the ladder of success by working for Richard Nixon, a man who was steeped in the politics of bullshit.
Ailes is the man behind the scene -- often touted as a genius but perhaps more accurately describe as a manipulator, a prevaricator and a pawn in the Murdoch Evil Empire. That Trump would challenge the authenticity of this sham of a news station is so karmic as to reaffirm one’s belief in “just deserts.” Fox has enjoyed for the longest time its minions of “Know Nothing” politicians kowtowing to its every whim. They parade before the camera spouting spin designed to reinforce in the mind of the great masses the outright misrepresentations and lies advanced by the station. Day in a day out the noise is unending, from those with English accents telling us what is good for the economy to pompous bullies interrupting guests with their asinine bravado. Blonde babes hired to better entice the testosterone deficient old men, not unlike the nudes in the British tabloids (Murdoch marketing ploy), who read the news and the ticker tape on Wall Street. There are even black commentators who carry the water. It was all so neatly designed to produce neo conservative policies -- cause the rich need their safeguards.
Enter “The Donald.” The reference itself speaks to a blazing egocentric maniac. A supposed billionaire, which is undocumented, stomps on the scene to “make America great again.” At first, the wizard and his band of merry men aren’t worry. Somehow one can hear the discussion that “he is not our candidate.” Of course, having reigned over all those years controlling and fashioning news, one could almost understand their unwarranted delusion that Fox was in control. But alas, the atmosphere created by this manipulator of news, that one could say damn near anything and have a large contingent believe, was ripe for someone to step in and take the reigns of this out of control team of wild horses. The Donald was good at that, wasn’t he? His popular reality show was an example of how gullible the masses were and hungry they were for entertainment. That this bombastic, pretty much ignorant, buffoon could appeal to a Republican base is not surprising since that base were primed and treated to a daily barrage of bullshit. Fox wasn’t worried in the beginning for they actually thought they had the power to determine who would be king of their mountain of crap. They could for example hold a debate where the questions are designed to one promote the foolishness that they hold to be undeniable truths and two begin to cull the field to get “their” candidate ready to cajole the country into believing in red white and blue bullshit. The blonde was dispatched to dismiss the interloper. Then boom, the bombastic never filtered narcissist fired volley after volley of insults. Rather than die an ignominious public death, the monster grew. And like Frankenstein, he moved beyond the laboratory and flayed at all in site. And his numbers rose to the chagrin of all those who supposedly “knew” what was best.
Hopefully, this incident will be the beginning of the end for this erstwhile purveyor of hate and bullshit though it is unlikely given the American appetite for this type of nonsense. Fox exists where ignorance prevails. It grows where there is bigotry and hate. It thrives on an audience who looks for affirmation of their biases. Hopefully, it is a monster of their own making that will begin to crack their foundation of lies and misrepresentations. It was reported that the Fox core audience is old white guys in advanced age. Therein lies, perhaps, the ending for this farce.