What the hell is going on
When did stupid become a virtue? The recent action by the boneheads in Congress to defund Planned Parenthood makes one wonder if there is any hope for the Republic. The guiding principles of the House of Representatives are ignorance and arrogance To a one this collection of men and women have demonstrated, they are unwilling to even attempt to deliberate and legislate. They prefer to do little but pronounce their stupidity.
To venture into women’s health with nothing save bias and ignorance is to demonstrate that nothing is sacred. While they proclaim the moral high ground, there is nothing in their behavior that would suggest anything but a bunch of jaded jerks. The irony of it all is that claim to be Christian. One has to wonder what the hell gave them that delusion.
Of course, their religion is more steep in the tradition of the Old Testament. They scan the passages of the bible looking for anything that will give them the right to trample on other people’s freedoms. They are the silent majority and they have found their voice.
There was a time when their ignorance was a barrier to their activism. When there was honest debate about issues, they stewed in their closed world frothing with the biases passed on from previous generations. Over the years, this discontent festered and grew into an abscess of the soul. It was the Archie Bunker generation, full of self importance and a knowledge that they were right though to the one they couldn’t explain what it was that made them think they the way they did. They relied on allusions to god and country. To those who disagreed they simply dismissed with name calling. They red baited as a way of dismissing anything that interfered with their preconceived notions. The sad thing is that they didn’t realize they were pawns in the game of power and control.
The history of crazy in this country goes back a long long way. In modern times, we can point to Nixon, Reagan, and Bush. Nixon kick started it when he claimed the south from the Democrats. Reagan walked out of a 3rd rate acting career propped up with bigot money and heralded the age of dumb. His one liners honed, more than likely by gag writers, struck the heart strings of the sleeping giant. Never would he talk down to the masses (mainly because he like them was a shallow as a rain puddle). His awwshucks non-answers appealed to those who had no response to the issues of the day that questioned their nonsense. Bush followed who with his genteel charm perfected the politics of ugly. He employed Lee Atwater: The evil genius behind the Willie Horton ads. The master of twisting facts knew how to hit every latent and overt fear in a potential voter. That W. , the dunce of modern times, and Rove his Svengali served under this man tells us much of how politics have become nothing less than the sad pathetic theater it is today. The qualifications for a candidate has fallen so low that any idiot with an ego can enter the Republican primary. That it is why the stage is so crowded. You see, they don’t need to know anything, they don’t have to answer questions, they don’t even need to be factual. They can mouthed buzz world and know that their constituents will nod their heads and think how right they are. Science can be scorned. Principles can be jettisoned. Ethics can be dismissed. Nothing of import matters, it is only important to hit the talking points. That women and children can be marginalized appeals to those who think they know what it is to be an American though they are descendants of immigrants. They can talk about law and order while ignoring that guns are the chief factor in the crime rate. They can live within a world of cognitive dissonance for their cliches and false beliefs sustain them. You see they never question, and the ones who rise to the top of the dung heap are the ones who amuse the crowds of fools and feed their fears.
Almost any category of this population is under assault: women, gays, blacks, workers, the poor, seniors, students, etc. etc. How is this possible? How can this charade continue? Where is the breaking point? I am reminded of a song by the MC5 that came out in the 70’s, “Kick out the jams, motherfucker!!”
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