Friday, March 15, 2013

Papal Nonsense

The New Pope and Celebrity Junkies
The white smoke went up, the new pope stepped out on the balcony, and everybody gushed with praise.  The news personalities (they aren’t really reporters) began to babble away.  “He is a simple man.”  “Look a wooden cross.”  Then the spin masters of the church, the bishops and Vatican experts, spoke their scripts about how holy the new pontiff was offering insight into his humility and by inference the goodness of the church and all that jazz.  Then the pageantry followed that display of opulence that people love, colorful displays of excess, processions of medieval soldiers and all that goes along with an anachronism.  The faithful, who have been duped ever sense the Romans stole the church from the true Christians, flail about like koi in a too small pond, looking to grab whatever morsel falls from high.  For those who think this characterization is too cynical, too critical, consider this.
We have a church that ministers to millions in this 21st century and yet its practices remain stuck in some time warp.  While it is progress to note that the practices of the Inquisition have long past, it must be remember these “holy men” were the dispensers of torture that only the sickest of our species still practice.  Today, the Catholic Church is an institution that enslaves its most devoted with cannon “laws” that are outdated and serve little but to make delusional old men think they are promoting the word of god. 
That said, let’s start with the news personalities who are all flushed with excitement over the election of the new pope though behind the scenes some executive is eyeballing the ratings dictating what shows up on the screen all the while selling space to those who would bloat us with useless food products or medicines to rid of us acne or keep men erect.  See how they solicit comments from the clergy and collect all that “expert” opinion, background if you will, that supposedly put things in “context.”  As they extol these “holy” men before us they never ask the questions that need to be asked and more importantly answered by those who claim authority in the church?  Let’s start with pedophiles.  When are those in authority in the church going to work with law enforcement to expose and bring to justice the creeps who have been masquerading as spiritual leaders when they are nothing but scum?  Is this too harsh of a question on this solemn of all occasions?  If not now when?    And the next question might be, how about the nuns?  When is the church going to stop enslaving women and chastising them for doing charitable work?  The last pope was highly critical of nuns taking an active role in charity work, real charity work, not that other stuff which was another safe haven for creeps.  While we are on the subject of women, what is the deal with this cannon law that only men can be priests?  Where did this law come from?  It certainly didn’t come from Jesus because two women in particular were very close to him, some say even closer than distorted apostolic history would have it.  Then there is this celibacy stuff.  OK, I can deal with religious types of all persuasion adhering to this sacrifice, but come on now.  History and practice have shown that it isn’t too big of deal, just look at other Christian religions, they seem to do OK with married clergy.  Certainly, other issues, like gay rights and birth control are matters that a 21st century church should not only tolerate but embrace.
Sure, we have a new pope, but one has to wonder if anything will come from an institution so stuck in the arcane practices of a by-gone era.  Most likely this bastion of faith will continue on its trajectory.  If so, what is the big deal with this nonevent?  It seems to be but another empty pageantry signifying nothing.  So let the bishops gush, let the news personality fawn, let the faithful swooned, but me I want to see if any real change comes out of this hullaballoo. 
To my mind, I think quite frankly this particular sect of Christianity needs to get on with the business of Christian principles and I am not talking about what born again tv talking money grabbers refer to.  I am talking about charity and love and forgiveness.  I am thinking that if Jesus were around, he would be as pissed as when he went into the temple and saw all the money changers.  You will recall he drove those supposed priests out of the temple.   

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