Wednesday, October 24, 2012

It's The Structural Deficit, Stupid

Man oh man, doesn’t any of these so called experts who bloviate on the tube get it.  Really you would think that if you were being paid to have an opinion you would least understand things.  First and foremost, the current deficit didn’t arise in past four years.  There is a fundamental teaching in Buddhism that goes, “If this, then, that.”  A simple concept to be sure and easily understood.  This follows that. 

               To hear the neocons and the blowhards on Fox, you would think that Obama created the budget deficits.  Let get with the facts, when Bush was handed the presidency by a bias court, the budget was balanced.  He then proceeded to propose and get passed a budget with a substantial tax cut.  Then his vice along with the secretary of defense proceeded to plot and plan their adventures in the Middle East.  September 11th gave these dark and nefarious “evil doers,” the opportunity they were waiting for.  Two things about the misadventures in Iraq will illustrate my thesis.  It was a greedy grab by two disreputable curs to 1) get the oil and dump American crap like Wal-Mart on the Iraqi people and the rest of our toxic capitalism and 2) give Halliburton open access to the US Treasury.   This incursion into the Middle East was really costly, but the Bush Administration with a budgetary sleight of hand was able not to budget for the war.  How that happened is a mystery but how the Democrats let it slip by is unpardonable. 

               When you have a structural deficit, it means simply one is spending more than one is taking in.  Most states are required by law to balance the budget.  So if you hear an ex-governor, like Romney, speak of his experience of balancing a budget, remember it is the law that does it not him.  Of course, governors can fudge the law by developing authorities and other such things, but this is not a discussion of public administration.  Suffice it to say, the federal government is unique because it can print money.  So, here you have these Fox knuckleheads screaming about the deficits when it is their asinine positions responsible for the deficits.   The irony of ironies is that these collections of “No-Nothings” scream their craziness on a supposed business channel.  Only in America, well, not true, this scenario could be played out in Wonderland, because it is very, very curious.

               Where are the Democratic apologists?  Where is the President?  When talking about the deficit, they, he needs to put it to them.  Of course, the “No Nothings” never deal with facts or reality when confronted with an opposition to their inane policies, practices or acts, they merely scream some untruth or resort to name calling all the while adopting some smug know it all demeanor.  That people actually buy into this bull never ceases to amaze me.  Of course, Obama has a hand in this fiscal debacle.

               When Obama was awarded that Peace Prize he should have quoted both Gandhi and King and proceeded to effectively stop the wars.  That act would have been both a political and budgetary act worthy of his campaign.  To have bought into the military BS that a surge was needed was to adopt the policies of Bush and the nefarious characters he had surrounded himself with.  Second, he should have opened an investigation in the actions of the vice president and his cohorts and uncovered the rat’s nest that that office had created.  What I am saying is Obama’s election was a seminal event in this country and the world, his actions from day one should have rose to the lofty historical event.  Unfortunately, the wheels of mediocrity and bullshit spun like it always had.

               Once there was an opportunity to truly part ways with the so called tried and true practice of governing.  There was a window that would have allowed this country to forgo its insane jingoistic practice of economic colonialism.  We should have tarred and feathered the crooks on Wall Street who flagrantly put our economy in the throes of a recession. To employ a line from “On the Waterfront” and to paraphrase, “We could have been a contender” in the ring of a truly new order where the lives of our greatest minds and their dreams could have shaped our actions towards a world order often talked about but never seen.  Alas, the moment has passed and we are stuck with choices.  We live in a world confused and befuddled with moguls strutting about proclaiming their greatness when in fact like us they are bounded by the limits of being human.  To look into the world and not see the absolute horrors that abounds and to blithely assert that there is super class of entrepreneurs who know how to get things done is to close one’s eyes to the present and not have a clue of how we got here.  We are stuck in the bog of our past, chained to positions that make no sense, guided by forces of greed and entitlement.  That the job of president might just be a ceremonial office of bounded by an inability to do what one wants is a reality that might be at the heart of our difficulties.  J.K. Rowling on the Daily Show commenting on the state of our political system suggested that perhaps we should reaffirm our allegiance to the Queen and adopt a parliamentary form of governing.  Because, perhaps, just perhaps, this grand experiment of governance has meet its match in partisan bickering where truth is buried in ideologies, and incompetence reigns supreme, and where knowledge has no place in the face ignorance, and where high ideas are jettison in the pursuit of nonsense.

               Our political parties are merely shades of grey. 

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