Politicians are
quick to point out that their polices are designed to protect the
next generation from the excesses of the current times. The
Republicans point to the budget and scream that we are enslaving our
children by running deficits. They will puff up their mighty
indignation and point to a society that has gone off the rails in
doing too much for too many who parenthetically ought to get off off
their lazy asses and go to work. That the only employment available
is minimum wage jobs that would take at least a sixty or seventy hour
work week to maintain a substandard existence is of little concern to
those well-to-do folks who benefit from all kinds of incentives to
keep them wealthy. To think that some average Joe actually buys into
this bull is truly amazing.
Romney just
recently went to a white board and demonstrated how a fool with some
polish can make the most outrageous assertions seem viable. Ryan, on
the other hand, cherry picked the conservative Rand's writings to
rationalize high military budgets, more tax decreases for the wealthy
all the while gutting social programs. When compared to a street
walkers who make no bones about what they are offering for money,
Ryan looks like a duplicitous whore who would parade himself as an
intellectual all the while taking money from the citizenry and giving
nothing but a goofy smile and some allusion about the future
generations. It is said he wanted to be a politician since a child.
Well, Atwater (the man who mastered hate and lying politics in the
modern age) and Rove must have schooled this neo con zealot in how to
package bull in patriotic wrappings.
The fact that
Ryan's fiscal plan is being questioned by even Reagan's budget
director makes you wonder just how far a flimflam man can go before
people truly understand just what the hell he is selling. That
aside, there is another area where the current crop of Republicans
are full of it. That is the environment.
When any of these
clowns talk about the future the question should arise what kind of a
land and water quality are they proposing to leave as their legacy.
Sure, the troglodytes can contend that the burning of fossil fuels
and releasing carbon into the air has nothing to do with climate, but
that doesn't mean that it “ain't” happening. In his book, “The
Fate of Species,” Guteri talks about tipping points. They being a
point in time when the effects of a consequence cannot be reversed.
That the earth has already gone under some major extinctions in the
course of its long history should raise a caution flag. That many of
the catastrophic events have come, in geological terms, quite fast
should be reason enough to look at polices and practices that have
dire consequences. Something to the effect that you can't use your
drinking as a place to dump your sewage. That dire changes could
come upon humanity at a faster pace than models suggest would surely
get thinking people to look at the issue without the bias of moguls
who profit from those elements that are causing the harm. The focus
should not only be on this country but the world as a whole. The
fact that the United States thwarted the Kyoto Accord speaks volumes
to the ostrich-like policies and practices of this nation.
This high handed
reference to future generations that the vast majority of neo-cons
are wont to allude shows that they are little more than profligate,
insincere liars. Their practices and polices as well as their laws
and their court decisions will do little but leave this country and
the world a vast barren land, under water, with only the roaches
surviving the upheaval befalling this small planet. Funny thing is
that the world will survive and will take on a composition that will
eliminate the need for reality shows, and politicians who claim that
their god has charted the way for a country and its fools to do
whatever the hell it wants without an iota of concern for the fragile
nature of this small planet.
By the by, the
Democrats can stop feeding at the troughs of the bankers and other
bastards whose only concern is how to acquire vast amount of capital.
One noble gesture would be to transition this nation from a war
state to a peace state.
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