Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Mitt the Shit

Mitt the Shit

OK, the pundits will sit around their tables all with sagacious interpretations to describe the recent embarrassment of Romney. It seems this guy can't get over 51% of any primary race. He is whipped by crazies like Newt and Rick. The only fools not able to capitalize on their “Not Romney” tactic are the three idiots who possessed a severe case of hoof and mouth disease. It seems Mitt who had sold his soul to the neanderthals who now control the Republican party is finding himself the chameleon splayed on the table with a scalpel hanging over him like the sword of Damocles. “What Shall It Profit A Man To Gain The Whole World And Lose His Soul.” Well, it seems we need to dig into both myth and the bible to understand what is happening to this caricature of himself.
The Republican party is a haven for scoundrels and crooks. It wasn't too long ago Haley Barber was being portrayed as presidential timber. Well, he is an example of the outrageous crap parading as conservatism. Here is a man who was a leader of the party selling pardons like some street corner dealer who doesn't give a wit for the consequences of his criminal acts. Fact is the Republican Party has been taken control of by a group of thugs and criminals with a throng of no nothings filling the ranks. Karl Rove, a spokesperson for conservatives, was directly involved in breaking the law. Sure a president can pardon a criminal but that doesn't undue the crime. And the slick vermin of the party having reduced politics to single silly issues, like gay marriage or patriotism or deficits (without owning up to their part in it) are now reaping the fruits of their labor.
Santorum and Gingrich can spout the craziest shit imaginable. Like Newt talking about the sanctity of religion while violating every commandment. Santorum can talk of Christian values while ignoring the key tenets of Jesus, Charity and Forgiveness. Against this backdrop of craziness, Mitt, not being a dullard, realized that he had to move a 180 degrees from his previous positions to attract enough nuts to support him in his presidential bid. Unfortunately, trying to please a nut can only be accomplished by those who understand the crazed machinations of the insane. One can say one needs to be an accomplished nut with no moral underpinnings.
The Republicans beginning with Atwater gave up its ethics and morals and reduced American politics to a sham attracting in the process the conservatives of the south who longed for the days of Jim Crow laws. One mustn't forget that harvesting this segment of the American electorate one needed to stand in the foot prints of George Wallace and other of his ilk. It seems to me that the chickens have indeed come home to roost and the Republicans and their allusions to the golden era of Reagan (which wasn't so golden)have painted their candidates into the corner of intolerance and bigotry and ignorance. The candidates must appeal to the lowest of low. They must seek to preach separation while alluding to sheer poppycock, like solving the debt by attacking the liberal agenda, which most can't even explain what it is they believe save with trite cliches pumped into them by men who have not an iota of conscious. Poor Romney once a man of principle must now appear as a no nothing, with simplistic solutions to complex problems set forward by men who sought only to gain the throne so they can pilfer the treasury. Indeed, what does it gain a man . . . .”

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