I blog; therefore I am. Or to put it another way, I need an outlet so I can't cope with the crap that parades as government. I think the Tea Party folks are right: the federal government is broken, and they have only themselves and their sycophants in the House of Representatives to thank for lashing out with the final blows that stymies any chance of it ever being repaired. The presidency of George W. Bush with its tax cuts, unwarranted wars, and drug program that profited drug companies contributed to our national crisis. It was nothing short of a rape and plunder of our National Treasury and drove this country into debt that the fools on the right think should be paid for with the funds from the “people's programs.” Obama missed the boat when he didn't charge that idiot and his criminal cohort (Dark Vader himself) with the crimes that they committed as well as the crooks on Wall Street. He had his chance and he blew it. He obviously didn't the learn the lesson in Aesop's fable of the frog and the spider.
But the past is the past and as it reads in the Rubaiyat, Piety nor wit nor all your tears wash out a word of it. So let's not pretend that this is a united country. For in order for us to even use the word united in reference to America we would need to redefine what united means, like a neologism, hmm something like the idiots on the right did when they came up with “job creator” for a billionaire.
To see Speaker Bonehead and his side kick Cantman is to witness a spectacle that could only exist in the Hoover years or perhaps Caligula time. These so called leaders are so steeped into their defense of the rich they literally will destroy this country to prove that they have the power to do it. Not only did these ill informed Republicans gave us the Katrina aftermath; now they want to double down on the ravages that swept across the northeast and simply ignore the pain and suffering of many communities. All of this, of course, is but proof that they don't give a tinker's damn about anything but bloated fat cat bankers and corporate thieves. So lets divvy up what left of this country and split it up – let's have a blue country and a red country. Let's let Bonehead and Cantman lead a bunch of Tea Party states into a new land. Quite frankly, it would be nice just not to have to listen to these idiots talk about our nation. Let them talk about their own red nation, let them create a pollution world where “job creators” can do whatever they want – let them have states where there is no safety net and the old folks can go on dog food or better let them have Paul's plan for medical care. Medicare and Social Security are often called the third rail, but with the new Republican plan, hell they can throw all the folks they want on that rail and let them fry. Also, they can have a land where every embryo is sacred, hell let them mandate that every egg and every spermatozoa is sacred. That would be good cause then they can pass a law that capital punishment can be applied to anyone who doesn't swear allegiance to Creationism. Of course, Rick “god is my pilot” Perry can team up with Michele Bachman and create a tent revival and pray with all the Sunday TV preachers who feel they can beat the crap out of all the kids that don't allow them to diddle.
Best of all, we would have to dismantle the Armed Forces, I would be happy to give the Red States the Pentagon, though I don't think the new found country could support it. Oh, by the way, with out a United States of America there would be no bombs to drop, no armies to fight, no navy, no nothing. I can even imagine the relief that would be freeing ourselves from fighting everyone and everybody. And to stop those assholes in the red states from encroaching on our land and our ideas, we would need only give them the money to build a wall around their land. I got a feeling they may resort to a time when the constitution was being drafted. They would probably want to go back to outhouses because the constitution didn't really mention sewage plants and of course some type of government entity is needed to run them and we know what they think about government.
They can have all the old shit and the blue states can have the modern stuff. President Perry can have all the minimum wage jobs though I see him being impeached given his penchant for going beyond his closed minded racist stance and leaning toward Mexican labor. Sure all this is complicated and would require a great deal of effort but it has to be easier than listening to these leaders of the red states who are just plain ass stupid. That is why the Presidency of Rick Perry is a good cause he believes in secession. One thing though, we got to keep an eye on him because he maybe dumb but he isn't stupid and the worse thing in the world is to hear a Texan tell you he has got a good deal for you.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Friday, September 2, 2011
Obama Resign
I don't even know the details. The headlines were enough to spirit this diatribe. Obama backs down and changes the date for his grand attempt to get the nation back to work. All I know is that supposedly there was a scheduling conflict between the jobs speech and a debate of the Republicans running for president. Let's see, on one hand you have the president promoting jobs and on the other, Republicans prancing before a tv audience spouting bs and fabrications all wrapped up in spin. Jobs, or bs, oh, well, why not go with bs, after all, this country has been awash in crap for so long we never find the time for substantive governance and it is more than likely that whatever the president proposed will fall on deaf and dumb ears. The great orator of hope compromises principle after principle and defers to a smoking hack who is two puffs short of being a billboard in Times Square promoting corrupt government. Oh, by the way, Leader Bonehead is a wimp to the tea party wackos who think revolutionary hats and an asinine stand against taxes will rescue this country from all that is wrong.
The misguided people who support these clowns are so blinded by the bs served up daily by right wing idiots who serve the masters of Industry and Commerce that they can't appreciate they are lemmings heading for the abyss. The pied pipers of the right, bleach blond bimbos who spew venom and a bulging cigar chomping Viagra and Oxycontin popping draft dodging pompous loudmouth, charm the unknowing with slogans and cliches that do little but produce a segment of the electorate who haven't a clue as to the actual reasons for the decline of this nation and the ever growing national debt.
Whereas the top 10 per cent continue to amass wealth, the bottom half loses more and more ground – this hurricane like attack on the lower and the middle class erodes the foundation of what made this country great. Which leads me to the conclusion that Obama must resign.
He is ill equipped to deal with what he is facing. He doesn't understand the power of the presidency. He shrinks from his role at each and every turn. Hell, he can't even get them fools in Congress to talk about jobs. The Republican debate, give me a break. There hasn't been a decent and serious debate at the national level in this country in at least fifty years. We have sound bites and spin – bs.
We sure enough have a deficit. And if the president was a fighting spirit he would do something about it without those tea party fools lead by the likes of Cantor and Bonehead. He should up the ante and get busy doing the people's business and let those fools squander their term counting pennies and seeing how they can continue to subsidize billionaires and corporations that just don't need any more wealth. You ask how to act without the squabbling fools in the house? Well let see how:
Stop the wars. Bring the troops home. To hell with this idea that we can bring democracy to a world where people are still living like cave men. Stop the military industrial conflict from sucking billions out of the national treasury. Go after the war criminal Cheney and his thieves at Halliburton who have been profiting and stealing with cost overruns and in the process sacrificing the lives of servicemen. Stop paying the whores on Wall Street. Enforce regulatory action where it protects the consumer and levy stiff fines. Send bills up to the hill that are simple: like a highways and bridges improvement act. Let those silly idiots tell their constituents that their safety isn't as important compared as the tax breaks given the corporate fools who sit atop of companies that don't give a tinker damn about this nation. Replace all those outdated hot water heaters with on demand systems. Get a public option on health care that stops all the insurance companies from gumming up the health care system. Do something positive besides yapping about this or that and riding around in a stupid bus like Sarah “the no nothing” Palin.
The unfortunate truth is that Obama might just not be ready for prime time politics. He is an image of what we want as president, but he isn't the man. We need someone tough. We need a leader not someone who caves at the slightest confrontation. We need someone who wants to lead not someone who wants to play the role. Unfortunately, in this age of spectacle, the country was charmed by a pretender who possessed the superficial qualities that we so desperately wanted especially after the buffoon and criminals we had for eight years. What we got was someone who could act like a leader but unfortunately just can't lead. Funny, he grabbed ol' Bubba's playbook and thought he could follow it to a reelection. His inner circle is good at campaigning and spinning but don't have a clue as to what it means to govern. They are too much with the superficial and not enough with the substance. They should make movies, pleasant two hour things and get the hell out of government. Obama resign! Hand over the reigns to Joe and let see if the democrats can up with someone who will lead the country to a better government, a healthier economy and a party that is concerned with its citizens not corporations. You had your shot and you just didn't get it done. Resign Obama, resign.
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