Dear Barry
Well, it is really hard for me to write this letter. You know, when the going got tough, I was there for you. Reverend Wright couldn't scare me away, nor could that thing Hilary said when she said you were really too inexperienced to be president. I stood by you when the aspersions about you nationality were thrown at you. I was there Barry. You see, I believed in the audacity of hope. I believed that there was a better way to conduct our foreign policy then relying on a volunteer army to wage fool hardy wars to prevent the world from blowing up with weapons of mass destruction. Barry, I really did believe in you and what you had to offer. But surely, you can appreciate that even the most die hard awe struck follower grows weary when you constantly grovel for the attention of those who don't even like you. Barry come on you have got to see that those folks really want you to fail.
You ask why they don't like you.
First, let me say that they are never going to like you because you are way too uppity. You are too cool for those tea baggers, cranky old white men and shrill white women with bleach hair who prefer to hang around rich fat old white men. You can't do anything right even when you are playing a rich white man's game like golf. Barry, I know you are only half black but you are smart enough to remember that old miscegenation laws that classified those with only a tenth part in the blood. You really don't think those recent strolls down memory lane in the south praising that antebellum period was just a dress up party. Barry, a lot of white folks just don't like black folks and a lot of them can be found in the disloyal opposition. Fact is fact.
Second, you don't appreciate how much you have hurt me when you turn your back to me or even worse offer me only a plate at the kid's table and not in the formal dinning room. What? You don't understand! Did you forget when you were campaigning you talked about our national shame about health coverage? Didn't you realize that what I thought I was buying was a broad and sweeping change which included a public option so we could finally corralled those claim-denying insurance companies and make it possible for folks to live free of that fear of a catastrophic illness? Funny, if that legislation that was passed had a public option, all those court cases would have not been possible. Do you think that insurance lobby knew that when the bill was being drafted? They are really sharp when it comes to escape clauses.
But Barry, it is those damn wars that have gotten the best of me. You seem to be doing what John McCain wanted to do but that doesn't help you at all with him, does it? And now there is Libya – another step on a slippery slope to who knows what. Don't you get it Barry that when you do what someone who doesn't like you wants you to do and they are still angry and disappointed it is you and now what you do.
I guess whoever is advising you is telling you how you can get re-elected if you follow some basic plan about moving to the center. I guess there is no one talking to you about integrity and keeping your word. I guess you thought your smile and quick wit would win the hearts and minds of those who just don't like you. But Barry you were so wrong. I am afraid you are going to find yourself in no man's land. A disappointment to those who cared and a failure to those who you tried to win. Governing, Barry, is sometimes about compromise but mostly it is about leadership and integrity. It is one thing to do something because you have to, but when you do it side up to those who don't like you; then, Barry it time for the jilted to move on.