What a pickle this world is in. The capitalists have held the reigns on this world ever since the Industrial Revolution. The species has enjoyed great progress since this take over but it has not been without cost. Let us look at the evidence. First, the great push forward has resulted in a net destruction of the very planet. We needn't go into the scuzzy details of global warming, but it is here nonetheless. The polar caps melt away. The rain forest is being depleted as farming and lumber capitalist go about systematically raping the natural resources while beef and milk cattle produce methane at an alarming rate. The pollution of mega corporations like General Electric with their PCBs and other noxious by-products stands as a testament to what capitalists think of the environment. Then, there are the agribusinesses that go about food production in a fashion that would make Doctor Frankenstein quite proud of their concoctions. Let us not forget DuPont who made a science out making poisons digestible. And let us not forget the recent testimony of the peanut executives who couldn't provide congress with the recipes for their peanut butter. Let me give it a try: One part rat with feces and entrails and a generous helping of roaches dry roasted with plenty of salt. We can only marvel as these capitalists talk of $$$ to the detriment of children, mothers, fathers, well, anyone who ever enjoyed one of those peanut butter cracker.
The proclamation of Ronald Regan that government was the problem was what lead us down this dismal path where profits were placed above everything even the very safety of our children. The conservatives no nothings who adhere to the belief that business would be regulated by market forces have repeatedly put this country in jeopardy. I guess they are right as soon as enough people die and children sickened then the public won't buy the product. As they watch our road and bridges crumpled, they talk of tax cuts when tax cuts are responsible for a lack of maintenance on our systems. One might ask these champions of no taxes when was the last time anyone, with their tax cuts, bought a piece of a new road or bridge. Oh, let us not forget the deregulation of the finance industry. That turned out smashing, didn't it? While mathematicians in cahoots with wall street swindlers developed instruments whereby worthless mortgages were sold, the SEC unable or unwilling to investigate the likes of Madof who found away of stealing billions. Now, we can hear the chorus of conservative fools echoes the tired mantras of Lee Atwater. Too much government is an impossibility when unethical and criminal capitalists are pillaging the land and its people.
And now we have our beloved leader talking about consumer confidence. The problem with high consumer confidence is that the American consumer goes out and buys stuff and it comes in packaging. Bona fide natural resources turned into junk that goes into land fills. We also have thousands of inefficient cars and trucks waiting to be bought on credit. Behind this illusion of Gross National Product is resultant harm that comes about by the constant purchasing of stuff. Garages are filled with this stuff. So much so, that a new business has cropped up. Yes indeed, now we rent space to put our junk in so we can buy more junk. It is a cycle of consumerism that is destined to turn this planet into one humongous junk pile.
Somehow, someway, we need to change our view of what is good. Maybe we need to begin to sell our junk. Maybe we can turn this country into some worldly flea market. We got to get this stuff out to those third world nations where people can do something with the junk. Maybe it is time to rely upon the earth. To hell with Agribusiness, we need to eat what is locally produced. We need to begin to look at our wealth in the quality of our lives not the accumulation of junk in packaging. Somehow, someway we need to break this cycle and move on. Greed, after all, isn't good – it is the prelude to the end.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Monday, February 9, 2009
Andy Card
Well, well the Bush operatives are in the news. How they have the gall to comment on anything after completing a presidential term that will go down as the most corrupt and outrageously incompetent administration ever stretches the limits of reason. Rove continues to put out the same old twisted stuff he always has. One can only hope Senator Leahy's investigation gets going soon so many of these scoundrels can be rounded up and pay for their crimes.
The most laughable of observations comes from Andy Card.
This cad had the audacity to comment on the president working with out a suit coat. The unmitigated simplicity of these folks is laughable if it weren't for their stupidity and the fact that they were actually in charge. If Bush had actually done any real work perhaps he would have taken off his coat and rolled his sleeves. These clowns who lived on perception and nothing but perception think that one's attire is the measure of effectiveness or respect for the office.
Yes, I recall their press releases to point out that W was a man who had great respect for the office. One would have thought he might have valued the constitution. Yes, there were the reports that he liked to start his meetings promptly. The little king also liked everything in order. White shirts were mandatory. Give us break with this pompous do nothing public relations ploy to make people think that this crew of fools were actually working. Yes Scooter Libby was all decked out in his uniform while he sullied the CIA agent. Dick Cheney was always in uniform when he set about to delve into “the dark side.”
What a country? Superficiality ruled the day among these clowns as they went about breaking the law? They talked about saving the country but all they were doing were saving their backsides. Interesting that after this national disaster we need to continue to hear them talk about the way people should go about their business. The funny thing is, given their record, they haven't any ground whatsoever to speak on any subject other than their defense for their actions and then only before a hearing or jury.
The most laughable of observations comes from Andy Card.
This cad had the audacity to comment on the president working with out a suit coat. The unmitigated simplicity of these folks is laughable if it weren't for their stupidity and the fact that they were actually in charge. If Bush had actually done any real work perhaps he would have taken off his coat and rolled his sleeves. These clowns who lived on perception and nothing but perception think that one's attire is the measure of effectiveness or respect for the office.
Yes, I recall their press releases to point out that W was a man who had great respect for the office. One would have thought he might have valued the constitution. Yes, there were the reports that he liked to start his meetings promptly. The little king also liked everything in order. White shirts were mandatory. Give us break with this pompous do nothing public relations ploy to make people think that this crew of fools were actually working. Yes Scooter Libby was all decked out in his uniform while he sullied the CIA agent. Dick Cheney was always in uniform when he set about to delve into “the dark side.”
What a country? Superficiality ruled the day among these clowns as they went about breaking the law? They talked about saving the country but all they were doing were saving their backsides. Interesting that after this national disaster we need to continue to hear them talk about the way people should go about their business. The funny thing is, given their record, they haven't any ground whatsoever to speak on any subject other than their defense for their actions and then only before a hearing or jury.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Go Where They Are Doing Right
Well, well, surprise. Another gridlock. The wheels of our government have frozen with the outrage of the (dis) loyal opposition. It wasn't so long ago republican members were chastising those who opposed their jingoistic leaning and expenditures as being unpatriotic for not lining up behind the fool in the White House and supporting his forays into war. So what do we call those who ignore the state of our economy for political purposes. I don't know how these republicans have the gumption to claim the moral high ground. To hear them talk you would think that when they held the national purse strings they were stewards of the first order. The truth is the money flew out of our pockets with staggering speed while contractors failed to do the work and Haliburton lined its pocket with overcharges. To top it off, we are learning that what went down in Iraq put to shame Dillinger, Bonnie and Clyde, and everyone locked up or who was ever locked up for theft. Then, a southern senator brings Christ into the debate as if this unholy reference somehow gives credence to their obstruction. There is absolutely no end to either the hypocrisy or out right sophistry of these two bit political hacks.
This country is in a hole brought on by the incompetent and criminal actions of an administration and its congressional cohorts. For eight years, we were lead by the unknowing into one pit after another. To hear these clowns, one would think that when they were in charge we had record surpluses and all our actions were guided by divine providence, unfortunately the conveyor of good lord's word was a sinister vice president who had no regard for morals, ethics or laws.
One clown after another clown parades in front of us juggling such inept arguments such transparent, temporary and targeted. All the while, they are picking their collective noses and attempting to come up with rhetoric (not ideas) to put that new guy in his place. After all, as stewards, they have done such an exemplary job. Of course, there is a new standard for irony since that what they advocate had no place in the previous cabal.
Of course, Obama didn't help by naming a cadre of cheats and scofflaws. Can we believe Daschle didn't know about compensation laws? It strikes at the heart of our dilemma. Geithner is no prize either. The boy wonder, the brightest kid in the room, didn't know about some basic tax matter. I bet they had some scheming accountant do their taxes. Heck, I bet turbo tax would have gotten them an honest return. The fact is that the high and mighty go about their business unconcerned about anything. Mistakes? Come on!
Now this whole business of health care boils down to the need for some serious study. Unlike the republicans who think that any intervention by government is a death knell to efficiency and effectiveness, I believe the heart of this discussion should begin with the insurance companies. Their compensation packages, the administrative over head, their incestuous relationship with specific members of congress and their practices regarding care -- all need to be investigated. One has to ask how these profiteers ever got hold of our health care system in the first place. The death grip these insurance companies have on the our health care is truly a mystery. Our system is bankrupt because special interests have placed their concerns above the public needs. Daschle was the wrong man for any number of reasons.
The last eight years have been instructive. First, we should know by now that we are not the be all and end all things political. Quite frankly, we don't know how to manage a health care system. We don't know how to provide for the care of our citizens. We are not the leading nation in the delivery of health care. Perhaps we should send someone over to countries where there is an effective health care system and stop relying on people who know nothing but what they have experienced and worse created. There are countries in this world where the citizens enjoy solid cradle to grave care. Let's learn from those who have delivered good health care. It is quite obvious that no one around Washington or Hartford knows anything about it. All these titans and hacks know is how to take money out of the system and prop up those who stand in the way of a comprehensive system. As for the (dis) loyal oppositions all they are doing is conjuring up rhetoric that serves no purpose whatsoever save to get their faces in the meida.
This country is in a hole brought on by the incompetent and criminal actions of an administration and its congressional cohorts. For eight years, we were lead by the unknowing into one pit after another. To hear these clowns, one would think that when they were in charge we had record surpluses and all our actions were guided by divine providence, unfortunately the conveyor of good lord's word was a sinister vice president who had no regard for morals, ethics or laws.
One clown after another clown parades in front of us juggling such inept arguments such transparent, temporary and targeted. All the while, they are picking their collective noses and attempting to come up with rhetoric (not ideas) to put that new guy in his place. After all, as stewards, they have done such an exemplary job. Of course, there is a new standard for irony since that what they advocate had no place in the previous cabal.
Of course, Obama didn't help by naming a cadre of cheats and scofflaws. Can we believe Daschle didn't know about compensation laws? It strikes at the heart of our dilemma. Geithner is no prize either. The boy wonder, the brightest kid in the room, didn't know about some basic tax matter. I bet they had some scheming accountant do their taxes. Heck, I bet turbo tax would have gotten them an honest return. The fact is that the high and mighty go about their business unconcerned about anything. Mistakes? Come on!
Now this whole business of health care boils down to the need for some serious study. Unlike the republicans who think that any intervention by government is a death knell to efficiency and effectiveness, I believe the heart of this discussion should begin with the insurance companies. Their compensation packages, the administrative over head, their incestuous relationship with specific members of congress and their practices regarding care -- all need to be investigated. One has to ask how these profiteers ever got hold of our health care system in the first place. The death grip these insurance companies have on the our health care is truly a mystery. Our system is bankrupt because special interests have placed their concerns above the public needs. Daschle was the wrong man for any number of reasons.
The last eight years have been instructive. First, we should know by now that we are not the be all and end all things political. Quite frankly, we don't know how to manage a health care system. We don't know how to provide for the care of our citizens. We are not the leading nation in the delivery of health care. Perhaps we should send someone over to countries where there is an effective health care system and stop relying on people who know nothing but what they have experienced and worse created. There are countries in this world where the citizens enjoy solid cradle to grave care. Let's learn from those who have delivered good health care. It is quite obvious that no one around Washington or Hartford knows anything about it. All these titans and hacks know is how to take money out of the system and prop up those who stand in the way of a comprehensive system. As for the (dis) loyal oppositions all they are doing is conjuring up rhetoric that serves no purpose whatsoever save to get their faces in the meida.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Those Fools on the Hill
Let me be frank, what I know about economics could fit easily on a postage stamp – one side only. But there is one thing I know for sure that after eight years of conservative economic policy you would need to be in coma to miss the deleterious effect it has had on this country and the world. Yet as I pound on my keyboard, there are a gaggle of republicans lawmakers now informing President Obama what is wrong with his plan. You would think that these fools would realize that they have no currency to suggest anything in the way of stimulating the economy.
Yes, the package is big, a trillion is a lot of loot. But lets keep in mind that these self righteous keepers of the public funds are the same crowd that allowed Bush to run up record deficits with excessive tax breaks for the wealthy, to squander nearly a trillion on a trump up war, with billions of dollars literally stolen by contractors with no bid contracts, who allowed Paulson to disburse billions to banks to allow them to keep the same incompetent executives in place, and to declare, as Frank Rich eloquently wrote, any who disagreed with their malfeasance and misfeasance to be less than patriotic. What is truly amazing is how these self styled buffoons have suddenly transformed themselves to guardians of the public interest.
They spout the same tedious arguments over and over again. What is clear that the lot of republican lawmakers are more interested in getting their mugs and voices plastered on whatever media that is available. The bombastic Rush the Lush, got any pills?, continues to lead these parade of fools by the nose. They march to his discordant rantings hoping that somehow people will again ignore reason and close their eyes and open their hearts and minds to their bull.
One needs to wonder where it will all end. The talk of bipartisan politics is, unfortunately, just talk. The scoundrels who have run the country into debt, who have slaughtered young servicemen in the name of freedom while hiding the truth under a veil of security, who have systematically destroyed the credibility of this nation stand as a testament to the loathsomeness of partisan politics. Hopefully, change will gain a foothold and their constituents will see them for what they are and vote them out of office. There is nothing wrong with conservatives, they have a point a view, and it can create a dynamic of compromise. But the fools who have assumed the leadership role in the current debate are nothing but hypocrites who are arrogant to think that no one has a memory of how they systematically ran this country into the ground.
We need to be saved from these fools.
Yes, the package is big, a trillion is a lot of loot. But lets keep in mind that these self righteous keepers of the public funds are the same crowd that allowed Bush to run up record deficits with excessive tax breaks for the wealthy, to squander nearly a trillion on a trump up war, with billions of dollars literally stolen by contractors with no bid contracts, who allowed Paulson to disburse billions to banks to allow them to keep the same incompetent executives in place, and to declare, as Frank Rich eloquently wrote, any who disagreed with their malfeasance and misfeasance to be less than patriotic. What is truly amazing is how these self styled buffoons have suddenly transformed themselves to guardians of the public interest.
They spout the same tedious arguments over and over again. What is clear that the lot of republican lawmakers are more interested in getting their mugs and voices plastered on whatever media that is available. The bombastic Rush the Lush, got any pills?, continues to lead these parade of fools by the nose. They march to his discordant rantings hoping that somehow people will again ignore reason and close their eyes and open their hearts and minds to their bull.
One needs to wonder where it will all end. The talk of bipartisan politics is, unfortunately, just talk. The scoundrels who have run the country into debt, who have slaughtered young servicemen in the name of freedom while hiding the truth under a veil of security, who have systematically destroyed the credibility of this nation stand as a testament to the loathsomeness of partisan politics. Hopefully, change will gain a foothold and their constituents will see them for what they are and vote them out of office. There is nothing wrong with conservatives, they have a point a view, and it can create a dynamic of compromise. But the fools who have assumed the leadership role in the current debate are nothing but hypocrites who are arrogant to think that no one has a memory of how they systematically ran this country into the ground.
We need to be saved from these fools.
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